FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: MOON STONES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words moon and/or stone, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on June14th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Moon Stones will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, June 15th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Inalegwu Alifa


All sand and stone mines on the planet earth,

big and bright in nature’s translucence

cast courage on all with and without faith

during life’s dread looking for an essence

essential for fragrant flavor on earth.

Faith in the moonstone’s essence


grows very fast in showing great candour.

Hour to hour in harmony with nature,

illness goes into the air in a minute’s favour

just like the Nazarene is of nurture’s

kindness seen around the moon’s splendor

like eternity is seen in nature.


Moonstones don’t have eyes on faces

near nostrils above mouths with tongues.

Opening and closing their faces for all races,

prayer becomes words in the rhythm of the tongue.

Quintessence is the virtue of every race

running against split bodies alienated by tongues.


Split souls are running to their bodies

through mind-feeling and consciousness

uniting broken parts in bodies

vainly sensing a departure from holiness

with the virtue of peaceful bodies,

x-outing wickedness

yammering on a zero-sum game bodies

zinging in songs of peacefulness.


Addiction to beauty makes moonstones

brazen before mirrors and walls

capturing the sense of beautiful bones

dashingly around necks and wrists forming balls

each of which sings for the lone

favourite song of joy lest a fall


gnash a set of teeth

however highbrow the image appears like a word

inspired by the moonstone for hands and feet;

justly for all the world,

kindly for lovers of beads;

lovers of moons more than swords.


Moonstones call the spirit of bodies,

nay believers in cerebral courage

ousting fatal fear from bodies.

Pounding waves below a ridge

quickly beat the heart to make a story

running down to form a bridge

slipping from edges to make a leap.





About the moonstone is this chant

between my heart and the heart of the world

calling on the spirit of the river bank

doing justice to the moonstone in a word.

East or west if I must be frank,

gemstones come into the world


holding pieces together to form brand

in styles beautiful for necks and legs;

jointly beautiful for hands and bands.

Knackless miners mix up stones to make pegs

low in quality but good for hands

bearing beautiful wands.


Newly designed jewellery

opening up the miner to novelty

pre-arranged by nature’s cultler making eternal cutlery

quintessential in novelty

remaking the world’s artistic delivery

sent through the bravery


ticking like a clock

uniting broken pieces together

veering in a clockwise, not against the clock

whispering through the sounds of other

x factors as inconstant as a dock

yearning not to go further

zealously like a shepherdless flock.


Ascensional is the moonstone

breaching defects from the outside

conversing with marrows and bones

dancing inside the soul whose sides

ease the body in a prone

fragile position of weakness.


Graviception creates gravitational attraction

held and released by nature’s force

in the skies and from the earth’s positon

juggles gemstones without force

knocking bits and pieces in motion

leaving behind cracks for a clotheshorse.


Moonstones are translucent

near objects that are colloid

or solid in shapes whose essence

prays for union with liquids void

quietly in motion’s transcendence

running to heavenly soil.




After the fashion of potassium aluminium silicate,

barring any protrusion

costing the formation of intricate

dead air amazing eyes as the crust indicates

earth’s stone of the moon’s television

filling the world with a gate.


Gaps in-between rocks speak

holiness of the holes holding minerals

inside earthen substances that creak,

jostling with the earth’s materials

klaxoning close to minerals that squeak

loftily about stones and mineral materials.


Moonstones are our feldspar

newly ancient through the ages,

old as the moon at par

per bit of time in no rage

quickening the breaking of cars

running on high speed like no sage


solving wisdom’s paradox

through rock-hitting without any sense

unfolding eternity’s orthodox

vision of the moon’s essence

winning against heterodox

x-axis pausing the moon’s quintessence,

young or old as the fox

zinging a yawn to make a sentence


about moonstones and the tale of feldspars

burning to beautiful sizes

costing highly in value at par

dangling on air’s prizes

earning merits as far

from the south to north’s clamping as with a vise.


Gemstones speak about the crust

holding twelve plates as one

in the lithosphere whose thrust

joggles the earth’s changing states as one

kicking against abrasion’s thrust

lopsidedly bringing the plates as one.


Moonstones are feldspars in ace-colour

nicely made to be beautiful

on all surfaces where flavour

pacifies nostrils with the scent of fruits

quietly nourishing all who savour

ripe fruits like miners picking broken moonstones like fruits.

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Michelle Smith

Moon Stones Mine are purple, gray, light blue  Oval  Ornate  Natural  Stone stylish  Twilighted and taken Original, opaque  New Elegant  👑 ...